
CNN: finisce l’identificazione DNA delle vittime

CNN.com - Identification of 9/11 remains comes to an end - Feb 23, 2005

...Of the 2,749 people known to have been killed at the World Trade Center site, only 1,585 -- or 58 percent -- were identified on the basis of recovered physical remains. The death toll does not include the 10 hijackers who crashed passenger jets into the twin towers. Two of their remains were identified.

The medical examiner's office received a total of 19,916 human remains, which included fewer than 300 intact bodies or torsos. It identified 10,190 body parts, some as small as a finger tip, primarily through DNA testing. About 9,726 remains remain unidentified... The WTC remains were originally stored in four huge refrigerated trucks near the medical examiner's office in midtown Manhattan, but they have been dried and sealed in deterioration-proof pouches.

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