
Bill Gates giura che il suo software è/sarà “interoperabile”: ma con quale altro software?

Gates vows 'interoperable' software: "Gates vows 'interoperable' software

...The email, which was sent to all Microsoft customers, had King Bill promising to work much harder to make his software work with the operating systems that are competing with his.... this would mean a dramatic turn around for Microsoft... Last time a similar email was sent out was to announce Volish plans to improve the security of the company's software. We all know how serious he was about that then.

He has launched a Web site devoted to interoperability... Gates says that open source software encourages the proliferation of different software systems, making it harder to integrate them with other proprietary systems.

Many Microsoft products already work with other non-Microsoft products, and the company will build more interoperability into the design of its products, Gates said. However there was no word on whether he would order Volish products to work on Linux systems."

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