BBC NEWS | Technology | Microsoft plans 'safer ID' system: "...Microsoft is planning to make Windows and Internet Explorer more secure by including software to give people more control over personal information....
'Info cards' will help people manage personal details on their PCs to make online services safer, said Microsoft. Microsoft's two previous programs, Passport and Hailstorm, aimed to protect users but were criticised.
..Microsoft... would not confirm however whether the new info cards ID system will be built into the current Windows XP version or Longhorn.
...The system would differ from its previous attempts to make online transactions more secure, said Microsoft. While Passport and Hailstorm stored user information centrally on the net, the latest system will store data on a user's PC... Passport came under criticism from campaigners
Hailstorm was criticised by privacy campaigners for putting too much sensitive information into the hands of a single company... Up to 200 million Passport accounts were left vulnerable to online theft and malicious hackers after a flaw in the system was exploited in 2003. Online auction site, eBay, stopped supporting it in January 2005.
...Longhorn is due to be released commercially in late 2006, but an updated version of Internet Explorer is due for release this summer."
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Microsoft propone il Safer ID per i dati personali degli utenti
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