The real Window for Linux:
Se i prezzi dell'hardware continuano a precipitare, la "tassa Microsoft" diventerà presto un costo assolutamente insostenibile e sproporzionato rispetto al costo del PC. Qui sta la grande occasione di Linux.
"THERE'S AN opening for Linux to grab a much larger market share on the consumer desktop side over the next twelve to eighteen months, but penguin advocates need to pull their act together and hope a couple of software companies – or one big hardware company – decides to throw their weight into giving Microsoft heartburn.
A window of opportunity to displace Windows XP is based on three factors: the declining price of hardware, Microsoft's current pricing and philosophy on software licensing, and the general lack of innovation in the hardware arena. AMD and others are beating their chest about supplying $100 PCs to the downtrodden around the globe, yet First Worlders can get a $299 to $399 PC out of the local Big Box or via mail order that includes a $100 Microsoft Windows XP load 'tax.'..."
Un blog di Paolo Attivissimo, giornalista informatico e cacciatore di bufale
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La grande occasione di Linux
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