
Shatner a Bellaria: io gliel’ho detto in cuffia che era Kurzweil il nome...

Captain Kirk meets Intel in quest to understand toilets: "He's co-written a book, called I'm Working on That, in his attempt to understand technology and science. That led him to comment that he'd sat down for the keynote and was completely baffled by the subject.

'You guys speak a different language,' he said. 'I don't understand what you're talking about. In fact, he said, he didn't understand any technology at all, but wanted to. When the plumber came to his house, for example, he wanted to know as much as the plumber.

He said: 'How does the toilet really work? I don't know. There are other forces at work. Who invented the toilet, and what gave him the idea?'

In the course of writing the book, he had talked to Ray Kurzweil, the father of voice recognition technology. While he was dictating a sentence something like 'I have just talked to Ray Kurzweil,' the speech recognition engine translated Ray Kurzweil to Pakapakapaka.

He said he asked Ray what he should do about that and Kurzweil said, 'Just say delete'. But when he said delete, it didn't delete Pakapakapaka but just pasted delete after it. So he said delete again and now there were two deletes".

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