
BBC riferisce sulla sperimentazione biometrica inglese (2004)

BBC NEWS | UK | 'I've got a biometric ID card': "No cheesy grins will be allowed, because the machine is scanning the measurements of your face and 'doesn't like teeth'.

Current cost predicted £1.3bn to £3.1bn

The iris scan required more concentration because I had to stare hypnotically at two ellipses in the camera, while the machine verbally directed me.

'Come closer,' says a Big Brother-like voice, instructing me to shuffle my seat forward while keeping my eyes fixed on the shapes.

After about 60 seconds, the machine indicated the scanning was complete.

No messy carbon required for the fingerprints. Instead I had to put each hand's four fingers, then the thumb, on a glass scanner.

My prints appeared on a computer screen and within minutes were compared against one million others which, for the sake of the pilot scheme, had been imported from the US.

With all three tests completed, I had to give a copy of my signature which they stored electronically."

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