
Il futuro della pubblicità in TV: integrata direttamente nei telefilm

Wired News: Gadget Promos Creep Into TV Shows: "Tech product placement is going into overdrive, with several prime-time shows basing plot lines around hip gadgets and gizmos. And soon, thanks to interactive 'object-tracking' technology, consumers may be able to buy featured products with a click of the remote.

As consumers turn away from traditional advertising, tech marketers are picking up the slack by weaving lots of gadgets into the fabric of TV shows and movies. The net, video games and ad-skipping DVRs are forcing marketers to focus more attention on 'branded entertainment.'

Movies like Sony Pictures' Hitch, starring Will Smith, gave prominent placement to several Sony products, as well as the popular BlackBerry e-mail device. The plots of high-energy shows like CBS' CSI franchise, and Fox's 24 and Alias, often hinge on technology. The first season of 24, in fact, made novel use of competing computer platforms to denote the goodies and the villains....Cisco Systems, whose security-cum-video phones have appeared on 24, has provided networking technology to the show's production team for the past four years, according to Cisco."

Nomi, cognomi e abitudini delle ditte che inseriscono i propri prodotti nei telefilm. E se l'intero telefilm venisse sponsorizzato da questi prodotti? A quel punto sarebbe nell'interesse degli sponsor farlo vedere il più possibile, e quindi consentirne la libera distribuzione.

Fra qualche anno, scaricarsi il telefilm preferito non sarà più illegale :-)

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