
Nuovo sequestro ai danni di Indymedia in GB

Slashdot | Second Indymedia Server Seized in UK Within a Year: "For the second time within the past year, an Indymedia server has been seized in the United Kingdom. This time it is the Bristol Indymedia server (currently redirected to the United Kollectives IMC site); this follows on from the Ahimsa seizure last October. The current seizure was carried out using a search warrant by the UK police at approximately 16:30GMT on June 27th, 2005. This was despite being warned by lawyers 'that this server was considered an item of journalistic equipment and so subject to special provision under the law' (press release). Bristol Indymedia is currently being supported by the National Union of Journalists (NUJ), Liberty and Privacy International. Other media organisations have declared their support."

Altre info e dati da The Register, BBC, e ancora BBC, che si chiede se la libertà di stampa è sotto attacco.

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