
Microsoft UK “bucata” da un attacco

MS UK defaced in hacking attack | The Register: "Microsoft's UK web site was defaced late on Tuesday night with a message in support of Venezuelan hacker Rafa. Defacement archive Zone-H reports that well-known defacer Apocalypse hacked into Microsoft's UK web site (microsoft.co.uk) and uploaded a picture with the message 'FREE RAFA - HACK IS NOT A CRIME' (recorded in an archive here).

The site has since been restored to normal operation and the offending GIF removed. A Microsoft spokesman said it was aware of the attack, which technical staff are investigating. 'There is no reason to believe customer data or any other sensitive information has been compromised,' he said. Although somewhat embarrassing all early indications are that the attack was not serious."

Boh, se non sono capaci neppure loro di rendere sicuro il proprio software, gli utenti comuni che speranze hanno?

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