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Chi c’è nello spazio? Aggiornamento 2023/08/26: 14 persone

Stamattina (ora italiana, 9:27 CEST) quattro astronauti sono partiti dal centro spaziale Kennedy in Florida, diretti alla Stazione Spaziale Internazionale, a bordo di una capsula Crew Dragon (la Endurance) lanciata da un vettore Falcon 9 di SpaceX. Il primo stadio del vettore è tornato al punto di lancio ed è atterrato sulla terraferma alla vicina base spaziale militare di Cape Canaveral.

I quattro astronauti sono Jasmin Moghbeli (NASA, comandante), Andreas Mogensen (ESA, pilota), Satoshi Furukawa (JAXA, specialista di missione) e Konstantin Borisov (Roscosmos, specialista di missione). Mogensen è il primo astronauta europeo a ricoprire il ruolo di pilota di una Crew Dragon. Questi sono i loro profili, riportati dal comunicato stampa NASA (in inglese):

This is Moghbeli’s first trip into space since her selection as a NASA astronaut in 2017. The New York native earned a bachelor’s degree in aerospace engineering with information technology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, and a Master of Science in aerospace engineering from the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California. Moghbeli, a helicopter and Marine Corps test pilot, has more than 150 combat missions and 2,000 hours of flight time in over 25 different aircraft. She also is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Test Pilot School in Patuxent River, Maryland. As mission commander, she is responsible for all phases of flight, from launch to re-entry. She will serve as an Expedition 69/70 flight engineer aboard the station. Follow @astrojaws on X.

Mogensen was selected as an ESA astronaut in 2009 and became the first Danish citizen in space after launching aboard a Soyuz for a 10-day mission to the space station in 2015. Mogensen is from Copenhagen, Denmark. He completed undergraduate studies and received a master's degree in aeronautical engineering from Imperial College London in England before gaining his doctorate in aerospace engineering from the University of Texas at Austin. Mogensen has since served as a crew member for NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations undersea missions 17 and 19. Mogensen was the European astronaut liaison officer at NASA Johnson from 2016 to 2022, working as a capsule communicator for astronauts aboard the station and as ground support for spacewalks. As the pilot on Crew-7, he is responsible for spacecraft systems and performance aboard the station, he will serve as an Expedition 69 flight engineer and Expedition 70 commander. Follow @astro_andreas on X.

Furukawa is making his second trip to space, having spent 165 days aboard the space station as part of Expeditions 28 and 29 in 2011. Furukawa is from Kanagawa, Japan, and was selected as a JAXA astronaut in 1999. He is a physician and received his medical degree from the University of Tokyo, and later a doctorate in medical science from the same university. Furukawa served as a crew member on the 13th NEEMO mission, and later, was appointed head of JAXA’s Space Biomedical Research Group. Aboard the station, he will become a flight engineer for Expedition 69/70. Follow @astro_satoshi on X.

Borisov is making his first trip to space and will serve as a mission specialist, working to monitor the spacecraft during the dynamic launch and entry phases of flight. He entered the Roscosmos Cosmonaut Corps as a test cosmonaut candidate in 2018 and will serve as a flight engineer for Expedition 69/70.

Il numero di persone presenti nello spazio è ora 14. Bowen, Hoburg, Alneyadi e Fedyaev torneranno sulla Terra tra qualche giorno.

Crew Dragon e Stazione Spaziale Internazionale (4+7)

Jasmin Moghbeli (NASA) (dal 2023/08/26)

Andreas Mogensen (ESA) (dal 2023/08/26)

Satoshi Furukawa (JAXA) (dal 2023/08/26)

Konstantin Borisov (Roscosmos) (dal 2023/08/26)

Francisco Rubio (NASA) (dal 2022/09/21)

Sergei Prokopyev (Roscosmos) (dal 2022/09/21, attuale comandante della Stazione)

Dmitri Petelin (Roscosmos) (dal 2022/09/21)

Stephen Bowen (NASA) (dal 2023/03/02)

Warren Hoburg (NASA) (dal 2023/03/02)

Sultan Alneyadi (UAE) (dal 2023/03/02)

Andrey Fedyaev (Roscosmos) (dal 2023/03/02)

Stazione Nazionale Cinese (3)

Jing Haipeng (dal 2023/05/30)

Zhu Yangzhu (dal 2023/05/30)

Gui Haichao (dal 2023/05/30)

Fonti aggiuntive: Whoisinspace.com.