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Banconote anticopia: i nuovi 50 dollari

In uscita nuove banconote anticopia da 50$

Il Bureau of Engraving and Printing offre immagini a bassa qualità delle nuove banconote da 50 dollari, per risolvere il problema che molti utenti hanno scoperto con sorpresa: molti moderni programmi di grafica e molte fotocopiatrici a colori si rifiutano di acquisire immagini di banconote.

The technology, known as the Counterfeit Deterrence System, was designed by a consortium of 27 central banks in the United States, England, Japan, Canada and across the European Union, the Central Bank Counterfeit Deterrence Group....Most companies have never publicly revealed to customers they include such counterfeit protections in products....Precisely how the technology works is a mystery. The U.S. government keeps its inner workings a closely guarded secret, arguing that disclosing too much information could help counterfeiters circumvent protections.

La Associated Press dice di aver rivelato per prima la tecnologia segreta e ha tentato di ottenere maggiori informazioni. Niente da fare:

The Federal Reserve earlier this year denied a request and an appeal by The Associated Press under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act to learn some details about the system. The AP [...] sought to learn whether the technology surreptitiously tracks consumers who try to copy bills, which U.S. agencies and private vendors built it, and how much it cost. The reserve's board of governors told the AP it located a stack of papers 52 inches tall about the mysterious technology but agreed to release only 14 pages. It said the other documents represented trade secrets, internal letters or law enforcement procedures that couldn't be disclosed under the information act.

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