Quantum crypto comes to Blighty | The Register: "UK reseller NOW Wireless has signed a deal to distribute MagiQtech's quantum cryptography solution, MagiQ QPN Security Gateway, in the UK. Launched in the US in 2004, MagiqTech's two-box solution, provides secure quantum key exchange between two dedicated sites up to 120km apart. Once secure keys are exchanged, data can be encrypted using standard protocols, switching keys at up to 100 times per second...
There are a few problems with quantum cryptography, however. While it cannot be cracked, in the traditional sense of the word, it is susceptible to a denial-of-service-style attack... It is also difficult to route, since the routing process itself would access, and thus disrupt the data being routed. Until this problem is solved, QC is limited to use between two dedicated points."
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