Dopo un decollo regolare, non si è verificata l’accensione dei motori necessaria per l’inserimento in orbita della capsula. La NASA ha interrotto la diretta video ed è calato il silenzio verso la stampa.
In sintesi: un errore di temporizzazione ha fatto saltare l’accensione programmata dei motori che serviva per accelerare la capsula fino alla velocità orbitale di attracco alla ISS. L’errore sarebbe stato rimediabile con un equipaggio a bordo o con un comando via radio, ma lo Starliner era in una regione di spazio fuori dalla copertura radio.
Il veicolo non attraccherà alla ISS ma rientrerà il 22 dicembre in maniera controllata.
Maggiori dettagli sono su Astronautinews.
3… 2… 1… LIFTOFF! After a nominal launch from @NASAKennedy, we’re now looking forward to the arrival of @BoeingSpace’s #Starliner, part of our Commercial Crew Program, on its maiden voyage to the space station.— Intl. Space Station (@Space_Station) December 20, 2019
Starliner has an off-nominal insertion, but we have spacecraft control. The guidance and control team is assessing their next maneuver.— Boeing Space (@BoeingSpace) December 20, 2019
Despite launching successfully on the United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from SLC-41, Boeing’s CST-100 Starliner is not in its planned orbit.— NASA Commercial Crew (@Commercial_Crew) December 20, 2019
The spacecraft currently is in a stable configuration while flight controllers are troubleshooting.
Boeing says the Starliner spacecraft remains “safe and stable” after a problem with its orbit insertion burn. "Boeing and NASA are working together to review options for the test and mission opportunities available while the Starliner remains in orbit.”— Spaceflight Now (@SpaceflightNow) December 20, 2019
Dichiarazione di Boeing:
After launching successfully at 6:36 a.m. EST Friday on the United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida, the Boeing Starliner space vehicle experienced an off-nominal insertion.
The spacecraft currently is in a safe and stable configuration. Flight controllers have completed a successful initial burn and are assessing next steps.
Boeing and NASA are working together to review options for the test and mission opportunities available while the Starliner remains in orbit.
A joint news conference will be held at 9 am Eastern on NASA TV.
Update: #Starliner had a Mission Elapsed Time (MET) anomaly causing the spacecraft to believe that it was in an orbital insertion burn, when it was not. More information at 9am ET:— Jim Bridenstine (@JimBridenstine) December 20, 2019
Annullato l’attracco alla ISS:
NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine says the Starliner spacecraft consumed more fuel than anticipated due to a problem during the orbit insertion burn. He says this precludes a rendezvous with the International Space Station.— Spaceflight Now (@SpaceflightNow) December 20, 2019
La capsula effettuerà una serie di test e rientrerà sulla terraferma a White Sands il 22 dicembre:
We have about 75 percent of the flight test propellant available and the team will figure out what test objectives can be achieved while ensuring safe return to White Sands.— Boeing Space (@BoeingSpace) December 20, 2019
-Boeing VP of Space and Launch Jim Chilton
Confirmed there will be no ISS rendezvous, for those asking. Starliner will fly solo, test out systems, and land at White Sands on Dec 22.— Jonathan McDowell (@planet4589) December 20, 2019
Con un equipaggio a bordo la missione sarebbe stata salvabile:
Big summary point: The backup to the Mission Elapsed Timer issue was to send up commands from the ground. However, due to a gap in TDRS coverage, that back up didn't work as commands didn't make it to Starliner.— Chris B - NSF (@NASASpaceflight) December 20, 2019
You can assume an onboard crew could have been that human backup.
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